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Step by step

Quick video update again! I find these so much easier to do than typing out loads!

Henry is walking better, I'm sleeping better... and we are now waiting for the results from the synacthen test for his adrenal glands. He had an ultrasound for his hips to double check if there was anything happening there, thankfully all was clear! We are starting to think he maybe just pulled a muscle as he is a lot more mobile lately and wanting to climb everywhere. Furniture is being assessed and hidden if it's deemed as a potential climbing frame!

So things are generally good. Just waiting for more results and keeping an eye on his EBV number. Thank you again for your continued prayers and support. It means so much to me as it not only lifts my spirit and strengthens my mind, but I love the connection with people, especially in these crazy times. Hope you are all safe and well out there, and we will all get there together soon!


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